Charm of deep outskirt of Eastern Europe

 Since I have more letters to spare in this blog...
Decided to visit on of those ladies boutique. Best place to buy good toothpaste and general cleaning products here. Of course, to entertain guests there was music playing via speakers. Not some faceless "elevator" type, just random song.
Suddenly I hear the songs with words a la "'re such f*cking whore...", "...I f*ck her then I am bored" (not sure about last one. I was preoccupied choosing toothbrush). I look around if anyone else acknowledges what exactly blaring all over shop. Nope!
Just imagine this surreality: some fashionable ladies actively discussing nail polish, accompanied by this song.
Thought to myself: "Maybe it's good thing that nobody speak English here" 😁
At least they are not horrified like me by modern music at that moment.
And unrelated pic.

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